Ascension Tactics on Kickstarter

Usual readers of this blog (Hi Bob!) might remember that I’m a big fan of the Ascension franchise. I love this deckbuilding game to death, though I’m more of a fan of it on the iPad than I am on the table (all of that shuffling for a 10-15 minute game can get a bit tedious).

When Stoneblade Entertainment announced that they were Kickstarting a new variant of this deckbuilding classic, I had to check it out.

Ascension Tactics: the Miniature Deckbuilding Game is the result of all that.

This has classic Ascension gameplay, but it’s also a skirmishing game where you are commanding heroes on a map, trying to eliminate your opponent(s) and (depending on the scenario) take control of certain areas to earn enough honour tokens to win the game.

Images taken from Boardgame Geek

There’s even a Cultist miniature in the game!

It has wonderful art on the box as well.


This takes classic Ascension cards from almost every expansion and adds a new way to play them. Command heroes out on the map, attach constructs to them to make them even more powerful.

The game has a couple of different modes of play, which should gives people plenty of options. You can play cooperatively, or player-vs-player, either 2-player or 4-player (and maybe even a scenario for 3-players).

There’s just so much in this!

I have to admit something, though. I wasn’t going to back this. I don’t really play Ascension on the table much.

At $99 US for just the game and any stretch goals, it didn’t seem worth it to me.

But my wife saw the campaign and said “why don’t you back this? I’ll play it with you.”

It was an instant back after that.

We both love Ascension, so why not take things to the next level?

The game will also come with a bunch of terrain markers that will let you adjust the map however you want. The map itself is double-sided, which is also cool.

For $139, you can get a playmat and a bunch of sleeves for the game too. That’s a bit too rich for my blood, but it’s still a great deal if you’re into that sort of thing.

The Ultimate Bundle at $299 gives you the game, the playmat and a shitload (that’s the official word, don’t you know) of sleeves, as well as Ascension Year Six and the 10th Anniversary Ascension edition.

After my wife said that this would be cool to get, I backed it in an instant. It’s a game we both love, and the skirmish aspect of it may add a really interesting twist to the whole thing.

Time will tell, as it’s scheduled to ship in August 2021.

Maybe we’ll be able to get over the US border by then!

It funded very quickly and as I write this on Wednesday night, it’s almost doubled its funding goal.

That’s pretty cool.

Is this something you’ve backed? Or might want to back?

Are you an Ascension fiend like we are?

Let me know in the comments.



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